Saturday 3 March 2018


The Palais Garner is an opera house in Paris designed by Charles Garnier in 1861-71. This was a sketch completed by me last year that I believe captures the essence of such an amazing building. It is a beautiful piece of architecture as it displays a distinct relationship between the citizens and the building through three main themes; social usage, physical comfort and architectural form. The uniform and symmetrical patterns of the main façade create a ‘balanced’ feeling towards the building as a whole.


From the many architectural buildings studied over the past semester, Étienne-Louis Boullée’s monument to Newton was one of the very few to stand out to me. The sphere utilised for Newton’s monumental Cenotaph allows for one to only see a continuous surface, with no beginning or end, regardless of their viewpoint. A sense of endless symmetry is also evoked as well as the surface representing that of a boundless life.


This original photograph is of personal utmost significance as it all started out as a father-son day. This was the first tree my father and I have ever attempted to plant together. Looking back at it, we honestly never expected much out of it as it was more or less just a time for us to further connect with one another. However, after several years it has blossomed to this wonderful work of art where it provides decent amounts of bananas from season to season. The banana tree also represents the idea of growth over a period of time and acts as a reminder of connectedness.



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